Thursday, February 13, 2025

Storyboard post

     In class my partner and I developed our storyboard, we came up with many scenes that we could use for options as well as our actual film including the credits. there were so many fun ideas we could do with them. To get a good reference of ideas we started looking at example of the well made productions my teacher linked to her age. We saw some that could be a good choice that were simple yet effective and well made and some challenging ones that were just way out of our genre category.     

    We first started our storyboard with figuring out a name of our film and we came up with the title "perfect-ish" since our character is not as perfect as she seems. We decided it fit really well into the. genre especially for our character. After we did that we dove into figuring out our credit scene, I decided to take some consideration of what my classmates told me during group meetings to improve my opening and I decided I wanted to do my credits in a way incorporating technology so I went onto the website canva and found some templates I could use in my credits to include actors, producers, editors and so on. Once we were done and figured out how we wanted our credits to be we started working on our actual storyboard. It gave me a good idea of where I want my project to go and is a rough draft of how my film will go, im definitely going to add or tweak some scenes as we go with the filming.

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