Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Project plot idea

    For my project idea I have come up with a few rough drafts with my partner. as time goes on with this project things the plot may have some small changes depending on any issues we run into but right now I have a general idea of where my project is heading. After group meetings I had some help on developing a good idea of detail I could add that would improve my project. Since my genre is coming of age developing my character wasn't too much of an issue since I already knew their age and start building off of what I have learned about coming of age characters.

    My plot has been developed a lot around my character, I think starting the process of creating my character has helped me develop the story more and get a good idea of who they are and what I can make their purpose in my story. My partner and I have decided that we want to create our main character as a girl who is the age of 15 or 16 in high school, she lives in this generation where social media is very prevalent in todays society. On the outside to other people she is a happy, smiley, seems like the perfect type A person but on the inside she is very insecure about herself which a lot of it comes from what she sees on social media. She compares herself a lot to what unrealistic standards she sees on instagram.

    I had some scene ideas in mind, one of the ideas I had was to include a clip of her walking with her friends super happy leaving school but as she gets home she gets into bed and starts scrolling through social media comparing herself to what she is seeing. Another idea I had in mind was to do a clip similar to a picture I found in my previous blog that would be here standing/sitting in front of a mirror picking herself apart thinking about how she could look like the people she sees online.

this is the picture for reference:

 Social media normalizes plastic surgery in a dangerous way

    My plot idea definitely will have some errors I need to fix as the process goes on but so far I have come up with what I want my basic developed idea to be and where I want this project to go, the good thing is my story board will develop my good ideas and some I need to scratch . I think my concept is simple yet smart since I can utilize a lot of day to day things to make my opening look very nice. since I have a plot line of where I want my project to go I think creating the rest of my story should be simple of where I want this to go.

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