Over the past week of planning our story and how it is going to unfold my partner and I have been deciding on what types of outfits our character is going to wear. We have been looking at different types of colors and what the colors mean so we can catch the right vibe of who our character is. When starting production you really need to focus on the Mise-en-scene elements since a lot of those factors make the story what it is.
Since we have officially started the production part of the project we have decided on which mine-en-scene elements we want to focus on, so we have decided deep into what the characters costume will be like that matches her vibe. We are leaning more into colors that are simple yet catch the vibe of her being put together until she gets home. Since our character is going to seem very put together we are trying to lean more into her wearing light colors like light pink, light blue, whites, and light grey to keep it simple yet give her that type A feel. For scenes that she is at home or comparing herself we are going to try to go into the direction of her wearing grey or comfy clothes. For colors like light pink and blue we were are going to make our characters outfits at school using those colors while she is with her friend to make it seem like she is very happy and well put together while still having that girly vibe about her. I think using the light shades of those colors will represent the innocence about her and her character.
These are outfits I thought would be a good example of what I am leaning towards. I thought these outfits represent the innocence of her and how she is girly while also being a type A person. They are simple yet girly and catch the vibe I am going for:
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