Sunday, February 9, 2025

research/analyze/discuss three credit sequences from films within chosen genre


     My partner and I haven't figured out what type of credit scene I want to do yet, but we know that is it very important to include all of the correct names like directors, editors, writers, actors, etc. Picking a font in your credits is also an important factor. I don't know if I want something simple that doesn't take too much attention away from the opening or something that would be very noticeable and loud. Before choosing what I want to do, my partner and I have decided to do proper research first to get a good idea of many different credit scenes.

  The Breakfast Club credit scene- 

    The breakfast club took a traditional route when choosing their opening credits, they started the movie straight into the credits starting by showing that the movie was produced by universal pictures. instead of the movie playing while the credits are rolling it is shown in a simple way with a black screen and yellow font with their iconic song "Don't Forget About Me" playing in the background. Once all of the actors names are listed they made sure to put them in alphabetical order. After the actors names are listed they made sure to include all of the costume designers, production supervisor, producers, etc. At the end of the credit sequence it shows a quote by David bowie basically talking about how kids are smarter than what you think which kind of shows the movie is going to have a correlation to kids being under estimated and looked down upon.

The Breakfast Club (1985) — Art of the Title

Grease opening credits-

    I thought Grease had an amazing way of doing their credits. Grease starts their movie with their credits but as "cartoon" animated people. It is almost a music video while still being an opening credit for a movie. As each character is shown they are made as little animated people doing something that replicates their character. For example as you see John Travolta's character "Danny" being introduced, it shows him using his iconic hair comb and hair grease. in a clip you can see a car driving down the street with billboards in the background showing all of the producers, names of the actors and who they play, and directors. At the end of the credits the car officially arrives at school while still being in the animated cartoon world but slowly goes into the real world as you can start to see the movie is officially starting. This idea was so fun and such a smart way to do their credit scene.

10 GREASE MOVIE CREDITS ideas | grease movie, grease, grease is the word Grease (1978) — Art of the Title

Perks of being a wall flower credits-

 Perks of being a wall flowers credits are done to be very simple but set a sad emotional tone. As soon as the credit sequence starts the sad emotional song "Touch me" starts to play as clips from different scenes start to play. Each scene goes by and just shows small parts that will be important in later parts of the movie. As each character is shown there are subject bars showing their name and the character they play, the names of all of the editors, producers, and so on are all shown just in different lo0cations throughout the clips. At the end of the credit sequence it is shown that the movie is based off of a book and who the movie is directed by. The credit gives a lot of detail on what the movie is going to be based on.

Georgie Whitehouse Media: The Perks of Being A Wallflower - Opening Analysis

I think out of all of the credit sequences I have done research on I think I would like to do one similar to the breakfast club and perks of being a wall flower. Perks of being a wall flower is a very emotional yet capturing sequence but also The Breakfast Club is done very simple but gets the job done very nicely but doesn't take too much away from the movie itself.



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