In my aice media class throughout the months the class has been learning about different media theories and how we can integrate them into our work, so I have decided to use the cultivation theory throughout my film opening. you can use the cultivation theory to catch someones attention through different types of media so I have chosen to use it in the social media sphere since my project is going to relate a lot to social media. There is a lot you can work with using different theories so i think it's super cool to finally be using it for my project.
When using the Cultivation theory it can change how people use social media and how they consume it without even realizing it. people will use social media and compare themselves to what they are seeing and anything will catch a viewers attention. The more time that is spent on each social media platform the more viewers are exposed to a false reality which is mostly highly exaggerated online. using these platforms constantly and comparing yourself can really affect someones mental health and physical health well being. The cultivation process is happening a lot through active participation of what people are viewing when something is being posted.
Since my project involves a lot of social media within my idea I think the best media theory to use would be the cultivation theory. Cultivation theory focuses a lot on views and opinions through repeated exposure to media over time. Since my character is a girl who is very self conscious and insecure about herself because of what she sees on social media I think I should use this theory since it talks about how views and opinions are developed overtime because of repeated media exposure. The cultivation theory reaches viewers attention in different ways and shapes users perception of its reality. social media is filtered to make it seem like everyone's lives are perfect just by little pictures or short video clips, this gives users a false reality they are looking at so it shapes peoples perspective into something different.
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