Friday, February 7, 2025

Character background

    At the start of my process for this project, I have learned that it can be very overwhelming to try and come up with so many things at one time, but it's best to start small and then go from there. We began by first coming up with the character so we could get a general idea of who they are and how I can develop my story around them. For us, it is very normal to compare ourselves to what we see on social media. Watching how some influencers try to make their life look so perfect will make you second-guess yourself, especially since you never see the reality. We have taken our own personal experiences of that and tried to put them into a character for our opening.

    The character that Peyton and I have chosen to create is a teenage girl who would be in the age range of 15 or 16 and is in high school. This girl would be a teenager during this generation of time, where social media is used a lot and is very prevalent. Since social media can take such a toll on people, I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate how scrolling on social media can be so toxic and give you such a different perspective on your own image. She would be very outgoing and fun with her friends, but in private, she is very insecure about her looks and herself overall. I think making the genre of this opening coming of age could work well since the teenage girls in coming of age films usually are always a little insecure no matter the generation it is. Since my character is also outgoing and fun with her friends, I think it is important to show and incorporate scenes that show all of the different emotions she goes through. 

    I was looking at pictures online to get an idea and inspiration on who she is. I thought all of these pictures were a good representation of the character I am trying to create. 

Face filters, plastic surgery and social media - Trinitonian

Social media normalizes plastic surgery in a dangerous way

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