Coming of age film openings usually set the tone for the movie and help develop who the character is. I have picked to research the three movies Sixteen candles, to all the boys I've loved before, and 13 going on 30. Since I want my character in my opening to be the age of 15/16 I think its important to look at film openings that the main character is a female who is in that age range.
To all the boys I've loved before opening scene-
To all the boys ive loved before is based on a book turned into a movie produced in 2018. The story was written by Jenny Han and directed by Micheal Fimonari and Susan Johnson. The film is about a 17 year old girl Lara jean who writes 5 letters over the years to her "crushes" that she never sent out until her sister found them and decided to send all the letters out to all of the boys. One of the boys that was sent the letter turned out to be her older sisters ex boyfriend. With one of the letters being sent out to a guy named Peter she wound up getting into a "fake" relationship with him until one day the "fake" feelings started to get a little real..
The opening first starts with the main character Lara jean in an open field running towards a guy, there's no background to him other than Lara just talking about true love. eventually her sister throws a pillow at her and she snaps back into reality. This shows that she was reading a book and will eventually lead to a movie about her lust for this guy. As we see her get out of this trance of her imagination she walks downstairs and we find out the guy in her imagination when reading the book is her sister's boyfriend.
When I first decided to watch the film I knew it would be a little cheesy and cringey to watch but for my project I am trying to make the main character a girl who is around the age of 15 or 16 and I think watching this movie helps me figure out how to make my character outgoing but also very quite and insecure at times.
Sixteen candles opening scene-
Sixteen candles is an 80's coming of age classic comedy, the movie is based on the main character Samantha Baker who is a 16 year old girl whose birthday is forgotten by her whole family. Samantha has a crush on a popular jock named Jake Ryan, he is the definition of a classic high school jock who is so much popular than Samantha. Samantha eventually meets Farmer ted who seems to be an awkward teenage boy who is the complete opposite of what Jake is. This movie explores all the sides of being an awkward teenage girl in high school from being insecure, awkward, and also simply growing up.
The opening scene starts with Samanthas family at home that is super busy running all over the house trying to get ready to leave. Samantha comes down the stairs with a disappointed look on her face realizing everyone forgot it was her birthday. She sits on the stairs waiting for her family to say something that would be important to her. Her mother and father are having a conversation about going to a wedding instead of them figuring out who else's special day it was. This obviously makes Samantha feel forgotten, overlooked and not important to anyone.
I decided to watch this movie because as the movie goes on you can see her character develop into less of an insecure shy girl who wants to be more outgoing and not live in the shadow of her own big family. I think this would help my opening because it shows how someone could be so overlooked and forgotten about not knowing what happens behind closed doors in someones head.
13 Going on 30 Opening scene-
13 Going on 30 is a movie about a young teenage girl in junior high named Jenna Rink who is fed up with middle school, she is tired of dealing with mean girls and being treated like a "little girl". Jenna really wants a boyfriend and always romanticizes being an adult. She thinks being an adult will be awesome and such a piece of cake.. little does she know being an adult is so hard. Her wishes eventually come true when she is sleeping, she wakes up to being a 30 year old women living in New York as a magazine producer. She eventually goes through all of the trouble and stresses an adult goes through and really regrets her decision she made.
The opening scene starts with Jenna Rink taking her school picture which shows she is a classic awkward middle school girl. As she takes a look at her picture she has a disgusted look on her face, as she is looking down disgusted a boy who seems to be her friend named Matt comes up to her and is saying hi, As the music in the background plays it eventually gets very loud when the "popular girls" start walking down the hall. The girls come up and talk to her and turn out to be very rude and make rude comments to her friend Matt which eventually makes Jenna laugh and try to fit in. this shows Jenna is just trying to fit in with the rude popular girls for a better "status". The girls invite Jenna to a party that night not realizing the girls had bad intentions but Jenna doesn't care because she just wants to fit in. little does she know what was going to happen when she got there.
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