Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Project schedule

     I have decided the best way for me to stay on track is with a schedule and timeline. For me that is the best way to stay on track especially since I have a very busy life and so does my partner. There is exactly 8 weeks to get this project done but at the time I am doing this is 7 weeks left so each week needs to be extremely productive. So far I have only come up with a rough draft of what I think my schedule should contain to stay on track so I can have my opening completed before the due date. The most important way to stay on track is planning and that is what my schedule should help me with.

I need to keep in mind I need to make time in the last week for revision and make time for the CCR part of the project.

    Week 1: 1/29-2/2

  1. Pick genre
  2. Get a basic idea of what I want in my opening

    Week 2: 2/3-2/9

  1. Storyboard
  2. Script
  3. Figure out filming days


    Week 3: 2/10- 2/16

  1. Pick locations
  2. Start filming
  3. Take many shots to go through rough drafts
  4. Come up with film name

    Week 4 2/17-3/23

  1. Continue filming
  2. Start working on credits scene
  3. Record any foley if I use it
  4. Record voice over if needed

    Week 5: 2/24-3/2

  1. continue filming
  2. continue working on credits
  3. Start working on CCR
    Week 6: 3/3-3/9
1. Finish film
2. Edit and complete film
3. Complete Credits
4. Continue working on CCR

    week 7: 3/10-3/16
1. Finish working on CCR
2. Use this week as your fix up week, if there is something we don't like fix it

    week 8: 3/17-3/25
1. Finish CCR completely
2. Finish ALL filming, editing, recording
3. Try to submit by 3/20 latest would be 3/23


    I want to try and stay on track with this schedule so I am not getting super stressed out and cramming in each week what I need to do. If anything changes I will try and update it and keep it in my notes app on my phone or computer so I can update it at any time during the day. I think majority of filming being done at school will help me stay on track especially working on other parts of the project at home like editing or the CCR. I know nothing is perfect and mistakes will happen but I want to try my best to make this process as organized as possible so I get the best grade.

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