For genre choices I have chosen to research about Drama and Coming of age. Those two genres have a lot of fun and different ideas you could work with in my opinion. Since I am most likely going to have to film my opening in school I'm trying to utilize the area I am in and the people I am around.
Drama focuses a lot on real life experiences that can happen with an emotional appeal. With drama you can focus a lot on different tones, romantic appeal, funny but also serious moments, and create a realistic theme. Movies like mean girls shows the funny but also semi realistic side of growing up as a girl with a lot of extra drama and it ends with us shows a realistic side of a relationship with a lot of drama in it. These are the sub-genres of what drama is and what it entails. Drama focus's a lot on character driven stories.
Coming of age films focus on emotional and growth of someone especially how they transition from a child to an adult. Many coming of age films start with a kid growing up and realizing the hardships on what a teen or adult faces. These movies usually focus on discovering yourself and milestones reached in life. there's many self conflicts and navigating through the rough ages or situations of growing up. These movies usually take place in high schools, neighborhoods, or usual places a child would be growing up around. The movie sixteen candles focus's on a teenage girl who is going through all of the motions of growing up, the humor, and self discovery. The movie shows a lot of family struggles, first love experience, and growing pains which are all apart of the coming of age genre.
Drama and coming of age movies have a lot in common but both can be very different. Using sub-genres of each genre gives many ideas you can choose from in making your opening. Both of the films utilize similar ideas like growing up, self discovery, and figuring out how to get through challenges of on growing.
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