Now that my partner and i are done with the production part of filming we have now moved onto editing and coming up with a ccr idea. The production process was very stressful i am not going to lie. You need to be very patient and not rush while filming. I did not realize how long filming was going to take and how many shots we were going to to redo. These are just SOME shots we had to redo over and over again which i have learned is smart and i should always retake and redo as many shots as i want.
I have to start editing this weekend but i am kind of scared and i have been thinking of a backup plan in case adobe is too hard for me so i am trying to find people i know and figure out which editing app they think is best and is not too hard since i dont want the editing to be the biggest stress of this project. In the end i think adobe should be okay and i will be able to learn. I have alson been trying to pick a font for my credits since that is going to be a part of my editing i need to incorporate and learn how to do.
All in all i still have a long way to go but i think i am on the right track and ahead of where i should be in the filming and editing process even if my partner and i were a week delayed because of her being sick.
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