Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Issues with filming

    Hello blog the time has officially come for filming, my partner and I have officially started our filming process after many delays and issues. At first we were planning a different script that had some scenes at school but on the day we needed to film at school we had a substitute... so change of plans, we decided to film everything at my house and change the script around a lot. We didn't plan on changing these things but we cannot waste anymore time especially because I know the editing process is going to be a little lengthy. After spending weeks and posting blogs about our location, our script, and our concept it was very disapointing and stressful to have to readjust everything, but we eventually overcame the issue and along the way faced some other small problems.

    First in class when our sub told us we could not film we immediately switched to plan b which was to film all of the scenes at my house. After we rewrote our script and planned our story board everything slowly started to come together and we figured out what our alternate plan was going to be. But as we were filming we realized some shots were going to be a lot harder then we thought. it took us many takes and many different angles of setting up the tripod to get the perfect shot over and over and over again. As we were filming we needed to be careful of what the area were were in was going to sound like on camera because we didnt want to hear any background noise from outside or any and we also didnt want it to be too echoey. 

These are all of the rough drafts we went through while filming. We had so many rough clips that needed to be redone over and over again. After many issues with filming location changing, script, and stress im glad the filming part is done and i offically get to start editing.

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Group meetings

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