Hey blog, I have offically started my ccr research and have a lot of writing i need to do for both videos. I am going to be talking about what i have researched for the 3rd ccr question which is "How did your production skills develop throughout this production?". During group meetings i kind of broke each ccr question down and disscussed how the question could be answered.
In class when we were first intorduced to the ccr and had a lesson about it my teacher suggested we answer this question last and switch question 3 and 4 around since it would flow better. In class during group meetings when we were discussing how to answer the questions we broke each question down and when asked how our production skills developed throughout this project many things popped into my head like my production skills on using different camera angles instead of analyzing it by watching a video i actually used what i have been watching and applied it to my project. Same thing goes for costume design, Using colors to describe a characher and how they are feeling for example using the color pink on the main character peyton to show her femininity.
This is an example of how i used the color pink in one of my clips
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