Thursday, February 27, 2025

Planning project research on topic: Schedule

     As a part of the production process this week my partner has been so sick so we have not been able to film so I am choosing to do nexts week blog posts this week and just flip the schedule around so it works best for us to do. Next week we are planning to do most of our filming so we can move onto the editing since we think it will take the longest and then this week I can get a head start on researching the CCR notes since in class we have started learning about it.

I have switched around weeks 5, 6, and 7's schedule around because of the change of this weeks issues with filming. I decided to go on my notes app where I originally made my schedule board and move some dates around with the days I am posting things. I hope this mix up of days doesn't make us fall behind on filming. It will most likely take us the full week next week to film and decide on good parts we want to keep or remove in our video. 

This is a picture of the new schedule I have created that my partner and I are going to follow for the blogs because of the mess up in days we were supposed to get things done.

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CCR 4 research

 Hey blog this is the final ccr i am researching about. This question to me was one of the questions i had a lot to work with on because i u...