Friday, March 14, 2025

post-production process

     Hey blog since i am done with filming i have offically moved onto editing and i am starting to edit my credits and pick what i want them to look like. For my credits i have decided to use a canva template of a texting screen like i showed in previous blogs. I thought this would be creative and something i havent seen anyone do in their openings before. 

     I have been picking and editing two of these canva templates to see which i want the most and which looks better. I have learned they are kind of hard to edit and for some reason the texts pop up kind of weird on the first template i used. I have been trying to tweak around and move some of the texts to be in a certain order when they pop up but i have yet to figure out how to do so.

For the second credit I have been working on, I have been tweaking around with it trying to figure out which i like best and i think i am going to use this one. The texts this one flow nicer compared to the other template i just have to edit the texts fonts so it looks simple and doesnt take too much attention away. I am going to edit pictures into the photo icons to make it look more similar to an actual texting background.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Post production process

     Now that my partner and i are done with the production part of filming we have now moved onto editing and coming up with a ccr idea. The production process was very stressful i am not going to lie. You need to be very patient and not rush while filming. I did not realize how long filming was going to take and how many shots we were going to to redo. These are just SOME shots we had to redo over and over again which i have learned is smart and i should always retake and redo as many shots as i want.

    I have to start editing this weekend but i am kind of scared and i have been thinking of a backup plan in case adobe is too hard for me so i am trying to find people i know and figure out which editing app they think is best and is not too hard since i dont want the editing to be the biggest stress of this project. In the end i think adobe should be okay and i will be able to learn. I have alson been trying to pick a font for my credits since that is going to be a part of my editing i need to incorporate and learn how to do.

    All in all i still have a long way to go but i think i am on the right track and ahead of where i should be in the filming and editing process even if my partner and i were a week delayed because of her being sick.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Editing softwares

     Hey blog since my partner and i have finished filming our opening we need to start the filming process asap. I dont think we are going to use imovie since i have learned it is one of the lower quality editing applications so i havde decided to use adobe premiere. We have used it in the past with some other projects but this time i am going to learn more about it so i am able to use it. I also am going to use it when editing my CCR.

    This is what the editing part looks like and it even gives you a tutorial. Since i am pretty new at editing i am going to watch some youtube videos to give me some lessons on editing and how i can get better at it. My opening doesnt involve too much heavy editing so i dont think the editing should be too hard i just have to make sure i find music i can use while editing that is copyright free.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Shooting process

     Hey blog my partner and i have offically started filming and it has been a long process of picking scenes, deleting, setting up the camera, and moving the tripod. We had many different scenes that all needed the tripod in it to make it look best and would capture the perfect angles. Shooting the footage in my opinion was one of the most important parts of the project because it could either make or break your opening and what the quality would look like.

    This is a picture of what the tripod looked like as we were filming and how it was set up in one of our scenes we may or may not use. We took so many different shots, we had to retake over and over again until we got the one we wanted. While filming we used our storyboard and script to go over which scenes we were going to use and how we envisioned them when planning.

We had to delete many of the already shot scenes since there were many we werent going to use. While we were filming we had to make sure our film went up to at least 2 minutes since that is the time it needed to be at so i added up some of the clips we are going to use to make sure it reaches the 2 minute mark.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Issues with filming

    Hello blog the time has officially come for filming, my partner and I have officially started our filming process after many delays and issues. At first we were planning a different script that had some scenes at school but on the day we needed to film at school we had a substitute... so change of plans, we decided to film everything at my house and change the script around a lot. We didn't plan on changing these things but we cannot waste anymore time especially because I know the editing process is going to be a little lengthy. After spending weeks and posting blogs about our location, our script, and our concept it was very disapointing and stressful to have to readjust everything, but we eventually overcame the issue and along the way faced some other small problems.

    First in class when our sub told us we could not film we immediately switched to plan b which was to film all of the scenes at my house. After we rewrote our script and planned our story board everything slowly started to come together and we figured out what our alternate plan was going to be. But as we were filming we realized some shots were going to be a lot harder then we thought. it took us many takes and many different angles of setting up the tripod to get the perfect shot over and over and over again. As we were filming we needed to be careful of what the area were were in was going to sound like on camera because we didnt want to hear any background noise from outside or any and we also didnt want it to be too echoey. 

These are all of the rough drafts we went through while filming. We had so many rough clips that needed to be redone over and over again. After many issues with filming location changing, script, and stress im glad the filming part is done and i offically get to start editing.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

CCR research question 2

 I have started researching the second question of the CCR and how I can improve my video with some tips. In class I started taking notes and also watching the sample videos on what should be done and what shouldn't be. I have taken notes on how to answer the question correctly and in the correct way. The question for the second part of the car is "how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text".

These are the notes that we were given to look through and as you can see in the next slide there is a video. In the video she started it as if someone sent her a letter asking the question, she added that to grab the viewers attention. While starting the video I should start with the topic of my target audience and how is my opening going to attract the correct target audience. All of my production choices are going to lead to grabbing my audiences attention. When discussing how I will make my film available to audiences I have to keep in mind that I am a amateur filmmaker and none of my films are going to be released somewhere like Hulu for example or Netflix I have to think small like maybe YouTube.

Looking through the example videos are really helpful I think the pros and cons lists of what to do and what not to do is extremely helpful while filming this.

Friday, February 28, 2025

CCR question #1 research

 For the CCR questions, we started going over them in class today. We learned a lot of useful tips for do's and dont's for each video and were even shown videos for things done poorly and good. The CCR question I am going to talk about will be the first one that asks "How does your production use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?" I took some notes on it from a powerpoint I am going through.

The first tip I have is that I should make my video in a creative fashion that isn't just me sitting in front of the camera talking I should have something that grabs someone's attention that represents me. Make sure you include which genre you are talking about that you have done, dont assume the audience knows everything you're talking about be specific. You should offer clues on how small details of your project developed the story. If I add any pictures it should be 10 seconds or less and should not draw too much attention away from what I am saying. 

    When starting your video start discussing what ideas you had that illustrated your genre with small scenes or details. Second discuss why you have chosen the genre you filmed in your opening and why it was best for you to use it. The last part you should explain how your ideas represented your genre and how you planned on making sure all your ideas correlated correctly into your genre category.

post-production process

       Hey blog since i am done with filming i have offically moved onto editing and i am starting to edit my credits and pick what i want t...